While many homeowners are happy with the idea of having a generic space to lounge outdoors during the summer, having a deck that doesn’t reflect your space can lead to hard to maintain areas in your yard or even a loss of usable deck space. On the other hand, if you decide to work with a team to design a custom deck that is uniquely suited to your property, you also gain control over a lot of other factors that can make your deck a more enjoyable outdoor space when it’s all said and done.
Today’s deck construction materials are more varied than ever before, and they include both traditional choices like high quality cedar and new composites like artificial and synthetic woods. Artificial wood decking is often at least part plastic, and most often recycled, whereas synthetic wood uses plant fibers to simulate the feel of natural wood from a manufactured substance. Both of these new composites feature a resilience that ensures they will keep their look even after taking a few seasons of weathering, and they’ll do it without ever needing a resealing because their materials are not as porous as natural wood. All you need to do is plan your regular power washings.
New materials also bring with them new color choices and stunning finishes that combine to provide you with more range than ever before while maintaining the visual atmosphere you set with your siding choices and landscaping. Make your deck look like it was meant to be on your property by calibrating its color to be a perfect part of the complementary scheme you already use for your siding, shutters, and windows.
Talk to a professional deck builder today to learn more about how they can support your goals by designing the custom deck that will have you outside every chance you get until the weather gets cold again.
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